Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Sundays - Static And Silence

I love the way that certain records drift in and out of your life. I hadn't heard this album in years and I'm not even sure I played it that much when I bought it back in 1997. My tastes were probably somewhere else when this was released. And there was always the gigantic shadow cast by their exquisite début.

This is their third and final album. After this one, David Gavurin and Harrriet Wheeler essentially retired from music to raise their children. What a fine and noble thing to do. Our loss, however. Although, they built a home studio, so I bet there's shitloads in the can which we will never get to hear.

This album is as lovely, un-showy and solid as everything else in their small, perfectly formed back catalogue. I never get tired of her wonderful voice and his guitar work is just fucking lovely. Full of brilliant songs which reveal themselves over time and featuring the most tasteful and understated backing that any band ever managed to get down on tape. This is basically perfect. I've been playing it to death over the last few weeks; in the car, at home, on the iPhone - everywhere.

Like friends, partners, colleagues and comrades, music drifts in and out of your life. Bands come and go. Albums fade and become unloved; irrelevant.

This one is a keeper.



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