This brilliant single was one of my first proper exposures to Arthur Baker and John Robie. After being a dedicated post punker, the likes of Cabaret Voltaire and New Order picking up on this stuff was massively exciting and pointed a whole new direction for the way that music was going to evolve.
I always felt that this brilliant little record never got the recognition it deserved from the cognoscenti, but it still stands up remarkably well. I can see them now on TOTP - British funkers having gotten ruffed up by the NY elite. Brilliant.
I also include the 1987 remix, which, while not being an abomination, doesn't add much to the glorious original.
Whatever happened to Freeez?
Vinyl rips at 320 Kbps.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Freeez - I.O.U. 7" Pack.
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