I'm painfully short of time, but I'm going to try to get a few things up here tonight. I'm starting off with a few classics, the first of which surely needs no introduction.
This is the remixed version of "The Robots" which as far as I can tell is lifted directly from "The Mix" album. This lovely UK 12" dates from 1991 and in addition to the extended remix, features a single and original album mix. Nothing that you haven't heard before, I'm guessing, but still nice to be reminded of how great they were.
I know music nerds do this one-upmanship thing all the time, but this is a true story. I must have been about thirteen and was obsessed by Kraftwerk. I got my older brother to paint the constructivist Kraftwerk logo from the sleeve of "The Man Machine" onto the flap of my canvas school bag. I took so much shit from my peers; "Who the fuck are Kraftwerk, you queer?" Amazingly, however, I was soon ushered into the cooler realms of the the fifth and sixth formers, who were also into the weirder krauty sounds. Although having said that, I seem to remember that Yes and Led Zep got played out in the sixth form common room much more than Can or Neu! Bowie, Lou and Iggy were big too.
There is one fifth form friend who was obviously older than me with whom I am very much still in touch, despite the fact that he now lives in Denmark with his beautiful Dansk wife. The bastard.
Speaking of which, I'm afraid the the magnetic power of attraction that existed between the heads in those distant pre-internet day alas did work it's magic on any girls.
Vinyl rip at 320 Kbps.